
From the Director


Way back in 1979, Ashadeep Youth Centre was mandated with the task of taking up youth work in Gujarat. We began working in Kheda, with the marginalized communities and we have done a commendable work. Due to various reasons we have failed to plan out a comprehensive youth plan for the youth of entire Gujarat. Over the years the Jesuits have expanded to south and North Gujarat and the Adivasi belt. New realities call for new ventures, new strategic plans. Taking the SAP program and the Mandate of Fr. Provincial to prepare a strategic plan for youth work for the next five years or more,  the Jesuit Youth Commission went about preparing the strategic plan which we are presenting here for your suggestions and comments. .


1. To Reach out to the youth of Gujarat in all regions. They could be classified as
     organised and unorganized or unreached youth.

2. To support, guide and empower the youth of the marginalized communities to become
     integrated individuals and good citizens of this country.

3. To coordinate the existing youth works, help the other ministries in their effort to reach
     out  to the youth segment in their own apostolate.

4.  To Create greater awareness among Jesuits and other groups like the religious and
      diocesan clergy of the need of prioritizing the youth ministry and specializing in it
      and getting involved on a priority basis.


The organized youth found in ours and outside schools and colleges
The unorganized youth namely the dropouts, farm labourers etc.


·        Personal growth and social awareness
·        career guidance and job placement
·        entrepreneur development training for livelihood promotion
·        Civil services options

There is no doubt that youths are the potential strength of any society; they constitute the pillar upon which the progress and future is built. They are full of energy. Enthusiasm and dynamism. Their potentials have to be channelized to enable them to play a constructive role in the development of the people and betterment of our world. In this year, we therefore hope to intensify our closeness to youth (accompaniment), and especially to those with leadership capacity, understanding their reality, promoting their integral formation, their life options, and their commitments as agents of new evangelization and social transformation. 

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